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Frequently Asked Questions

If a retired teacher becomes a substitute or support staff employee, are they required to have a background check?

A teacher must be employed within the NEXT consecutive school year and have a valid background check on file if being employed by the same school district they retired from. If the applicant is going to be employed for a NEW school district, they must obtain a letter of good standing from the district they retired from and a current background check (within the past five years) must be produced from the retiring school district.

How long are background checks valid?

FOR SUBSTITUTES: A valid background check must be on file, and it is up to the school’s discretion on whether or not the applicant needs a new background check.

FOR SUPPORT STAFF: A background check MUST be performed each time the applicant changes a school district.

If I had a background check done for another purpose (carry and conceal permit, adoption, church, etc.) can that be used for a background check for a school district?

No, your background results are only valid for school purposes, per the OSBI and FBI.

Can a university have a copy of my background results?

No, background results are only valid for employment and certification purposes. You may bring a copy of a receipt to your professor or they can access the Oklahoma Educators Credentialing System website to view results for recommendations.

Can I have a copy of my background results?

Per the FBI, we are not able to release a copy of the background check to an applicant. Results must be requested and sent to a school district.

Why do I have to go to the OSBI to perform another background check?

Once you have been rejected twice, you must go to the OSBI to do another set of fingerprints cards. The OSBI do not reject their own prints so then they automatically get sent to the FBI for results.

NOTE:  After you have done your fingerprints at the OSBI, you MUST send them into the Oklahoma State Department of Education so they can be processed.

If a substitute had a background check done for a school district but they are going to substitute for multiple districts, do they have to have a new background check done for each district?

An applicant may perform one background check, and each school district for which they substitute may obtain a copy from that originating school district. In order for a background check to carry over into the next school year, they MUST have worked in each school district at least ONE day in the previous school year.

How long can a school district employ a person if background results have not yet been received?

By law, you are able to employ a person for up to 60 school days.